Survey participants must enter a unique identifier in order to sign on to the survey. When setting up a Class/Group, Leads may specify the type of identifier participants can use. Options include: Email Address; Google (recommended); Student/Staff ID. The sign-on type also determines the sign-on prompt for survey participants. For example, when Google is selected in Elevate, the survey sign-on prompt will read, “Select your google account.” If Staff ID is selected in Catalyze, the prompt will read, “Enter your Staff ID. It must be 5 or more digits.”
Leads can ensure participants use the right identifier and customize the sign-on prompt by enabling a Sign-On Rule.
Note: The first icon in the Class/Group Card represents the Sign-On Type. An envelope appears when an email address is used, a “G” when Google is used, and an ID Card when student/staff ID is used.
PERTS recommends using Email Address because email addresses make strong unique identifiers: they are unique for each individual, constant over time, easy to remember, and recognizable in the participation tab. When institutions use Google, the Google option is highly recommended because it also controls for typos.
From the Classes/Groups tab, identify the Class/Group you would like to edit
Click the first icon (an envelope, G, or ID Card) in the Class/Group Card
Select the Sign-On Type
Click Save Changes to 1 Class/Group
From the Classes/Groups tab, select the Classes/Groups you would like to edit by clicking the box next to each name or select all by clicking the box above the list
Click Edit # Classes/Groups
Click Edit Sign-On Type
Select the Sign-On Type
Click Save Changes to # Classes/Groups
From the Classes/Groups tab, click Default Settings
Scroll to Sign-On Type
Select the Sign-On Type
Click Save Settings for New Classes/Groups
Note: When a Default is set and the sign-on type is changed for a Class/Group, an alert will appear along with an option to instead match the Community’s Default.